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About tcs-forum.org

- Webmaster cập nhật lần cuối 09/06/2014 17:37
Our purpose is to create a site that will serve as a reference library and a repository for documentations and studies of Trinh Cong Son's life and work.

Send questions and comments to webmaster.

Legal mention

The reference library on Trinh Cong Son's works

This website was created by TCS-Association Culturelle, Antony, France. Except where noted otherwise, all content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license, defined as an Attribution - NoDerivs - NonCommercial licence. You are free to publish or reproduce the material from the tcs-home.org site, in whole or in part, without asking for permission from us, if you honor the followings :

  1. You attribute the original to us by quoting www.tcs-home.org
  2. You may not use this work for commercial purposes
  3. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work

If however you do wish to use the material for commercial purposes, please contact us to obtain a legal binding agreement.


This site was built using Open Source tools developed by Plone

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